Premiered on Netflix in November 2021, the animated series Arcane examines the gulf separating Piltover's paradise and Zaun's ...
An adult animated series, Arcane is a steampunk adventure-action series on Netflix. Created by Christian Linke and Alex Yee, ...
Jayce appeared to sacrifice himself with Viktor to save Runeterra in the Arcane Season 2 finale – but what if he’s still ...
Christian Linke has opened up about the death of Jinx in Arcane Season 2 after speculation that the LoL champion is still ...
Jayce PFP War refers to a TikTok trend among the Arcane fandom in which users change their profile pictures to an edit of the ...
We break down everything you need to know about the events leading up to Jayce's death along with Viktor in the Arcane Season ...
"Arcane" Season 2 revealed who lived and who died in the War for Piltover and teased a number of possible spinoffs.
It isn’t quite fair to call this type of character, usually a villain, tired, but it probably is fair to say that it takes a ...
Arcane is a prequel to League of Legends, giving backstories of popular characters like Jinx, Vi, and Jayce. Timeline ...
Jaw-dropping animation, stellar performances and some amazing action sequences still can't save Arcane from its rushed Season ...