Big omics datasets can be overwhelming for researchers with limited programming skills, but texting with a new AI chatbot ...
Researchers mimic the antianxiety effects of psychedelics by identifying and activating specific brain regions in an ...
Proteomic analysis provides scientists with a deeper understanding of the molecular events that influence health and disease.
High throughput technologies help researchers detect and monitor microbes in wastewater for source tracking and early ...
As next-generation sequencing becomes more accessible, scientists gain unprecedented resolution to explore the underpinnings of health and disease. The information they have obtained has ...
From Brussels sprouts to chicory, some veggies pack a bitter punch, but genetics and individual differences create a unique ...
When Carlo Quintanilla started graduate school at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, he dove headfirst into his research, exploring the world of specialized proteins and how they ...
Ticks form a stable structure around their mouth to stick to their hosts for days. Phase transitions of proteins in the tick saliva drive this adhesion.
Homologous defense proteins in archaea and eukaryotes point to these early prokaryotes role in the immune system of modern ...