MARIANA MARTINEZ is a College sophomore from Bogotá, Colombia. Her email is
[email protected].
We can handle subtlety and deal with ideas we find objectionable, but mislabeling Wax unnecessarily escalates emotions and ...
Her comments regarding the shooting of Brian Thompson in New York City were antithetical to the values of both the School of ...
GLADYS SMITH is a College sophomore from Williamsburg, Va. Her email is
[email protected] .
Merch, anywhere, is a status symbol. For alumni who are years out of college, a Penn crewneck becomes a proud symbol of their ...
Columnist Samra Lulseged critiques how Penn’s self-segregation culture and adherence to social norms deepens the divide ...
Columnist Piper Slinka-Petka encourages Penn students to connect with Philadelphia through supporting its sports teams.
Guest Columnist Greyson Forster explores how Penn can encourage its students to explore Philadelphia. Credit: Roger Ge. We ...
Columnist Piper Slinka-Petka argues for the implementation of a mandatory first-year course that critically examines the ...
Columnist Samra Lulseged identifies how Wharton's narrow professional culture suppresses student individuality, limits career ...
Columnist Ingrid Holmquist argues in favor of a more humanities-focused curriculum in social sciences as a remedy to the ...
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