The Francis College of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, invites you to attend a Doctoral Dissertation Proposal defe ...
The Department of World Languages and Cultures in collaboration with Pi Delta Phi, National French Honor Society, Gamma Kappa Alpha, National Italian Honor Society and Sigma Delta Pi, National Spanish ...
The Department of World Languages and Cultures invites you to our Latin Film Festival on Identity and LGBTQ+ Experiences, hosted at the Luna Theater. This festival showcases films that explore diverse ...
Bio: Neil T. Dantam is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Colorado School of Mines and Faculty Fellow at DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory. His work focuses on robot planning and ...
Please note that several of the original Yale-CMU-Berkeley (YCB) objects are no longer available and have been replaced. All changes are logged in the YCB Object Set ...
IBioNe accelerates discoveries and developments by providing a network of biomanufacturing training and workforce development to better educate the next generation of biomanufacturing experts. The ...