The Institute for the Culture of Vojvodina Slovaks in Novi Sad, Serbia, presented a book called 'The Miracle Mill' on Tuesday, a collection of Slovak folk tales selected and translated into Serbian by ...
Companies in Slovakia fear corruption more than ever in recent years and are particularly concerned about rigged public contracts, unequal access to various permits and the fact that the corrupt are ...
Behind the rebellion of the Voice-SD MPs and independent MPs around Rudolf Huliak is President Peter Pellegrini, for whom a caretaker government would be convenient, said SNS leader Andrej Danko on ...
The move brought the country’s long-term debt rating to A3, with a stable outlook. Another agency, Fitch Ratings downgraded Slovakia’s by one notch a year ago and last week affirmed it at A-. The ...
During their first year in office, the ministers of the fourth government of Robert Fico (Smer-SD) replaced as many as 55 percent of the people in senior posts in the organisations, businesses and ...
Bratislava, December 14 (TASR) - If Slovak National Party (SNS) leader Andrej Danko won't respect the coalition agreement, he will send a signal to the coalition that agreements don't need to be ...
(STVR, 'Sobotne dialogy', December 14) Speaking on STVR's politics programme 'Sobotne dialogy' (Saturday Dialogues), Slovak National Party (SNS) leader and House Vice-chair Andrej Danko said that an ...
The Hague/Bratislava, December 14 (TASR) - Slovak Ambassador to the Netherlands Juraj Podhorsky will be the first Slovak national to preside over the Board of Directors of the Permanent Court of ...
Čierna nad Tisou 15. decembra (TASR) - Spojenie medzi Slovenskom a Ukrajinou sa zlepšuje, v nedeľu spustili nové vlakové spojenie z Bratislavy do Kyjeva. Prvý priamy vlak z Ukrajiny privítali v Čierne ...
Sigulda 15. decembra (TASR) - Slovenské bobistky Viktória Čerňanská a Lucia Mokrášová obsadili 9. miesto v nedeľnej súťaži dvojbobov na podujatí Svetového pohára v lotyšskej Sigulde. Vyrovnali tým svo ...
Istanbul 15. decembra (TASR) - Turecko je pripravené poskytnúť vojenskú pomoc novej vláde v Sýrii v prípade, že o ňu požiada, uviedol v nedeľu turecký minister obrany Yasar Güler. TASR informuje podľa ...
Nitra 15. decembra (TASR) - Od nedele začal platiť nový cestovný poriadok spoločností Arriva na Slovensku. Zmeny na území Nitrianskeho samosprávneho kraja sú výsledkom rokovaní medzi objednávateľom re ...